As summer approaches, so does the excitement. It is the time of the year to sit outside sipping on a glass of lemonade or sweet tea, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the refreshing feel of a cool home after a day spent outdoors.

In San Antonio, a summer without air conditioning would be intolerable. Homeowners should consider a few items when they think it is time to replace their air conditioner.

  • Filters: Changing the HVAC filter is an easy step to the system’s success. The air conditioner collects outside particles and clogs up every time it starts. Switching them out at least every three months is recommended.

  • Age: Most air conditioners last about 10 to 12 years. If the system runs sporadically and acts up, homeowners should have it serviced. Older air conditioners typically don’t operate as efficiently as newer systems.

  • Wiring: Over time, it’s not odd for an air conditioner’s wiring to be affected by San Antonio’s weather. Depending on the air conditioner’s age, the wiring’s condition can change, but it could present a situation that could lead to corroding wires that need to be replaced.


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Homeowners don’t have to suffer through the high temperatures; it may be time to invest in a new air conditioning system. The Above & Beyond Air Conditioning & Heating team urges homeowners to invest in an air conditioner replacement if the repairs cost 50 percent or more of a new air conditioner.

Consider the following to determine which air conditioner system is the best solution:

  • Reliability: If the home’s system is unreliable and the homeowner makes regular repairs, it may be time for a replacement. Because the air conditioner is a significant purchase, consider the different models available to determine which would be the most efficient for the home. Take the time to decide between a range of air conditioners with exceptional consumer ratings and a track record of being trustworthy for years to come.

  • Quiet operation: For noisy air conditioning systems, homeowners should consider the noise level new systems produce.

  • Efficiency: The air conditioner may be the culprit for homeowners whose energy bills consistently go up each month. An efficient air conditioner saves energy and money and is environmentally friendly. Air conditioners today are more efficient than older technology, which can significantly affect energy usage, lowering monthly expenses.

  • Airflow: Maintaining regularly comfortable airflow throughout a home means purchasing an air conditioner and indoor unit capable of properly circulating the cool air.

If an air conditioner replacement is in the near future, keep crucial qualities like reliability, efficiency, sound, consistency, and airflow in mind throughout your search for the perfect system. These characteristics create a well-built, trustworthy air conditioner that every homeowner would be happy to have.

Call the pros at Above & Beyond Air Conditioning & Heating to learn about our air conditioning replacements. We aim to save everyone in San Antonio from the summer heat with a comfortably cool home. For further questions on air conditioner replacement, schedule an appointment online or call us.